What Every Pastor Should Know About Sunday School
- Help you reach the lost.
- Will give you extra doors into the church.
- Will boost (Unitarian Universalist) knowledge.
- Will help you minister to all ages.
- Will help you meet needs. (If you solve peoples’ problems, they return.)
- Will produce leaders in your church.
- Will provide role models.
- Will turn spectators into workers.
- Will provide prayer intercessors (bind community together.)
- Will provide teaching evangelism. (deepen Unitarian Universalist identity and commitment)
- Will provide instant follow-up for new converts.
- Will provide a friendship network.
- Will provide life coaching.
- Will teach churchmanship.
- Will make use of all spiritual gifts.
- Will provide spiritual care.
- Will teach faithfulness.
- Will build character.
- Activates friendship evangelism.